General information

Venue | Format | Opening Hours | Mobile App | Language | Badges | Confirmation of Participation


SwissTech Convention Center (EPFL)
Rue Louis Favre 2
1024 Ecublens

How to reach


Planned as a fully in-person congress

Opening Hours

Congress Secretariat

Wednesday, 29.10.2025 - information will follow shortly
Thursday, 30.10.2025     - information will follow shortly
Friday, 31.10.2025          - information will follow shortly

Industrial Exhibition

Wednesday, 29.10.2025   - information will follow shortly
Thursday, 30.10.2025       - information will follow shortly
Friday, 31.10.2025            - information will follow shortly

Mobile App

Enhance your Congress experience by using the Annual Meeting 2025 mobile app.
More details on how to download and log in to the app will be provided here in due course.

APP Features:

  • View all program details, including information about sessions, speakers, exhibitors, and supporters
  • Create your own schedule for the Congress, including bookmarking the sessions you wish to attend
  • Access information on accreditation
  • Read the abstracts
  • Check out information about the Congress venue
  • Receive real-time updates


The official congress language is English. Slides and presentations in the main topics and ePoster Sessions have to be in English.
Workshops and Parallel Sessions may be presented in English, German or French.
Abstracts have to be in English.


Participants will receive their personal congress badge at check-in. The badge is valid for the duration of the meeting and must be worn at all times in order to gain entry into the meeting room and the exhibition area.

Confirmation of Participation

Confirmations of participation will be sent by email after the congress.
Please note the following:
Confirmations of attendance will be issued per congress day attended. The prerequisite for this is a daily, personal check-in at the Self Check-in stations on-site.